Friday, January 16, 2009

Berlin: more pictures

So, while exploring Berlin, Frauke and I ended up in a fantastic artist village...

In a huge courtyard, every wall you look at has some insane graffiti.

... to all and to all a goodnight. This is on the side of an old bus.

Just some of the cooler stuff on the walls.

A semi-shot of the bar in the village. At night there are bonfires and drinks all around.

The body of an old plane. Apparently it used to be stuck in the ground but it has obviously been extracted.

More graffiti.

My personal favourite just because the shape of the building is already so cool.

Scrap pipes and such. All of this will at some point be turned into sculptures.

Some crazy mechanical graffiti.

The handmade barstools.

A lovely giraffe sculpture that just happens to be eating the tree.
Just a cool building that I saw while wandering.

I have a strange fascination with trees... Obviously.

The most odd tree I have seen thus far.

A van (that still runs) in the village.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Wonderful pictures with a great eye for catching the essence. Hope to hear more about your travels soon. Where to next? Hugs, Laurie