Saturday, January 3, 2009


So I posted a blog from London and it seems to have disappeared. Strange. So I'll bring you up to speed. I just spent four days in London, England. Got to see Will and Simon which was a kick. My first full day was basically spent waiting. Then, I was so tired, I just went to bed. The second day, Will took Simon and I on a tour of Soho and Brick Lane. We had a pretty awesome time just poking in and out of little bookstores and pubs and whatnot. That night, we went to the famous Madame JoJo's which is a drag club in Soho. Being the night before New Years and all, there wasn't a performance, but regardless, we had a wonderful time. So New Years Eve morning was gone since I was basically in recovery mode from the night before. So, out we went for breakfast at 2:00pm and then got ready for the night. I ended up heading to the Embankment across from the London Eye. The streets were packed. I don't think I've ever seen so many people. It was sheer insanity. Anyways, there was a live DJ and a lights show on the building across the Thames. At midnight, they showed possibly the most beautiful fireworks display I've ever seen. No television feed could do it justice. I was most definitely awestruck. So my final day in London was spent poking around various places and that night, Simon and I walked though Whitechapel, the infamous hunting grounds of Jack the Ripper... Spooky...


Laurie said...

Hi Allana,

New Year's sounds absolutely incredible. A night to be remembered forever. And Berlin already. You move around quickly. What is the saying? No rest for the wicked. Miss you lots and am looking forward to the following your journey through your most excellent and interesting commentary on your blog. Love, L

Laurie said...

i remember the fun.. and fear i had lo those many years ago when i spent some time in europe!! i am burning with envy at the opportunities you have to experience things that will provide you with memories for years to come! best wishes, have a great time... you only live once!!
xo tim