Monday, March 2, 2009

the grand plan.

Okay boys and girls. Here it is.

On March 10th, Sofia Rico and Tanisha Holmes are coming to Berlin to party like rockstars for two days. So, I decided to stay on board and fly out the day after they leave.

That puts us at:
March 12th.
-I am planning to fly from Berlin to Basel, Switzerland to visit Heidi if time and money allow.

March 15th.
-Take a train to Geneva and then fly to Florence, Italy.

March 17th.
-After exploring Florence for a day and a half, I shall grab a bus to the hilltop city of Volterra, Italy, one hour outside Florence.

March 28th.
-Bus it back to Florence.

March 29th.
-Fly from Florence to Dublin, Ireland.

April 3rd. ??
-Fly from Dublin to London, England.

April 4th. ??
-Fly home.

So now, I know that this cuts the trip short by two months, but there are a number of things bringing me home. Seeing as I have never been away from home for more than 2 weeks before, at the two month mark, I am holding up pretty well, but I am ready to see a familiar face again. There is also a siren call. Plus... Mom and I are now offically doing trip to Arizona and New Mexico from April 10th to the 19th. Exciting right!?! Plus, in all honesty, I miss my friends. I miss my family. It'll be good to be home.

Just thought I'd include this picture of my favourite bar manager and bartender EVER! Christian and Lutz.

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